Mar 13, 2009

I am now on Twitter

So I am now on twitter. Wanted to see what all the fuss is about (check my sidebar). It's a lot like plurk which I have been extremely addicted to. But what I love about twitter is it brings me news and tidbits from the most interesting people from celebrities to politicians to talk show hosts to musicians and of course the few friends I found tweeting. I started last night. And so far I am following 24 people including:

CNN news
Lindsay Lohan
The New York Times
Barack Obama
Stephen Colbert
Sarah Bareilles
Joel Ramos
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton
Jimmy Kimmel
Tina Fey
Jengsterr Legaspi
Anderson Cooper
The Ellen Degeneres Show
Dave J Matthews
Britney Spears
P Diddy
Ashton Kutcher
Maluh Silvano
John Mayer
Martha Stewart
My sister

So I follow so many people but only 2 follow me. One is Joel Ramos and check out who the other one is.

Yes, the President of the United States is following me as I am following him. I think it's an automatic thing though... still it makes me feel important hahaha :)

I love twitter. Though I'm not sure how long I can keep up and maintain everything I have going on for me in the cyberworld. I have this, I have Wordpress, I have Multiply, Facebook, Friendster, my long forgranted Myspace, Plurk and a couple of email accounts. Plus, I am following a myriad of blogs and I also have my daily lifestyle reads online. I'm gonna try to keep everything updated but so far my fave is plurk because my friends in Manila are always online and we get to chat everyday, more than we used to back home (come to think of it).

Follow me on twitter! Though i have nothing fancy to talk about like them celebrities.

P.S. Diddy is constantly posting. You may want to add him up.


  1. follow He's the funniest ever!

    I follow a lot of pornstars in twitter. I dunno why. :(

  2. stop eating my comments you comment eating monster you!
