Mar 17, 2009

Green Day

Today is St. Paddy's Day or St. Pattie's Day or as the Irish call it Lá Fhéile Pádraig. And it's a big holiday here in MA because this state is majorly Irish. Everyone's wearing green and drinking Guinness or maybe a bottle of Sam Adams in between. The Boston Celtics are wearing their gold and green uniform and people are just a little crazier today than most days. Shamrocks everywhere and leprechaun hats are in fashion. Simply because

I was wearing my green hoodie around the house and playing the latest U2 album as my own little way of celebrating with them Irish lads. We also had our Irish beer battered fish and chips last night.

It's a good holiday. I wish we had something like this back home. It's so festive and mischievous. Just like this cute little care bear "greening" the Chicago river every year on this day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day me lads.

I Want: Concerts

One of the perks of living in the US is this: Concert Tours! Recording artists (both local and foreign) are performing their hits at any given time or place in this first world country. Be it at a big arena or a park or at a local House of Blues. Unlike in Manila where a big concert comes up twice or thrice or if we're lucky 5 times a year. A lot of big names in the music business don't want to perform in a third world country because they fear for their lives, which may be taken (as the stigma goes) by kidnappers from the mountains or by an unknown disease that originated from the monkeys they think are running amok the unpaved streets. Ugh. They don't realize that Manila is urbanized and that Filipinos are music lovers who will do anything and spend anything just to see them live. And that everyone there probably has a copy of their album (from a record store or from the www or from random stalls that sell pirated CDs) and that their chords are published in a song hits magazine (do song hits still exist by the way?).

They also don't know that many Filipinos are so image conscious they will do anything to up their social status. They are perennially conscious about the brands they wear or the places they go to, like the hippest concert for example. But let's not get into that. It just reminds me of an old classmate who's so superficial, he makes me groan and wince with pain when I hear about his shallow social climbing expeditions.

The concerts. Yes. My head is spinning from all the concert tours happening near us. I want to watch them all but the tickets are pretty expensive. So we have to decide which ones to watch and we have to make an uber wise decision.

We already missed Bloc Party at the House of Blues in Boston. huhu. But it's okay cause like I said sometime in the near future they're bound to perform again.

Here's a list of some of the concerts/ shows I want to catch. There are more shows in NYC but I'm limiting my drool list to our area. More realistic that way.

Lily Allen
House of Blues
Boston, MA

Kings of Leon
Agganis Arena, Boston

The Killers
Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT

Dave Matthews Spring 2009 Tour
Fenway Park, Boston MA
05.29-30. 2009

COLDPLAY Viva La Vida Tour
Comcast Center, Mansfield MA

U2 360 Tour
Gilette Stadium, Boston MA

We're definitely waiting for the U2 concert to start selling tickets online since these guys are just stellar. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch them. We'll have plenty of chances to catch the other bands on this list be it here or elsewhere. But U2 is simply a must. I heard that there are negotiations for a U2 concert in Manila. Hopefully they make it happen. The Filipinos have been waiting for them since Sunday Bloody Sunday.

If I only had a lot of extra money to spend around, I'd watch them all and I could complete my list of bands to watch before I die. Maybe they'll have recession rate tickets!! That would be an awesome way to spread the love and the music.

Also I have another list of bands to watch before I age. But that's another story for another post.

On a side note:
Notice how I'm a big fan of British Rock. I like most things British actually. I also love this guy. He's hilarious.

No he's not Jack Sparrow of the Pirates of the Caribbean. He's Russell Brand, a British comedian and host. You might recognize him from Forgetting Sarah Marshall too. He's just brill. I wouldn't mind catching one of his shows. He's kind of a gothic comic. Brit humor is just my kind of comedy. Witty Britty.

Mar 13, 2009

I am now on Twitter

So I am now on twitter. Wanted to see what all the fuss is about (check my sidebar). It's a lot like plurk which I have been extremely addicted to. But what I love about twitter is it brings me news and tidbits from the most interesting people from celebrities to politicians to talk show hosts to musicians and of course the few friends I found tweeting. I started last night. And so far I am following 24 people including:

CNN news
Lindsay Lohan
The New York Times
Barack Obama
Stephen Colbert
Sarah Bareilles
Joel Ramos
Sec. of State Hillary Clinton
Jimmy Kimmel
Tina Fey
Jengsterr Legaspi
Anderson Cooper
The Ellen Degeneres Show
Dave J Matthews
Britney Spears
P Diddy
Ashton Kutcher
Maluh Silvano
John Mayer
Martha Stewart
My sister

So I follow so many people but only 2 follow me. One is Joel Ramos and check out who the other one is.

Yes, the President of the United States is following me as I am following him. I think it's an automatic thing though... still it makes me feel important hahaha :)

I love twitter. Though I'm not sure how long I can keep up and maintain everything I have going on for me in the cyberworld. I have this, I have Wordpress, I have Multiply, Facebook, Friendster, my long forgranted Myspace, Plurk and a couple of email accounts. Plus, I am following a myriad of blogs and I also have my daily lifestyle reads online. I'm gonna try to keep everything updated but so far my fave is plurk because my friends in Manila are always online and we get to chat everyday, more than we used to back home (come to think of it).

Follow me on twitter! Though i have nothing fancy to talk about like them celebrities.

P.S. Diddy is constantly posting. You may want to add him up.

Mar 6, 2009

The Rookie Wife Recipes

I have never been good at home economics. I remember back in grade school (Ms. Glenda’s class) I was always the person doing everything but the cooking. Always the tablesetter, never the chef. And I was lousy at sewing and making those stupid figurines from old moldy bread (what was that all about? like we would ever display such hideous creations) . That was until I moved here. Back home when I got hungry I had Mommy, the Queen of the Kitchen or Jean our maid who loved buying me merienda from far flung tindahans so she can meet boys. Here I have no Mommy, no Jean and no 8-MCDO to the rescue. I have to fend for myself and learn my way around the stove. Good thing my mom sent me off with a steno notebook filled with recipes for me to try and my sister didn’t mind me turning her kitchen into a (say it like Dexter) labo-ratory. Now that I’m married (half a year already yey!) I have my very own kitchen for my stovetop experiments. It’s been smooth so far except for a couple of disastrous explosions. One was a pot lid. Another was an egg in the microwave. I still wince at the thought. All I can say is do not microwave an egg in a cup filled with water unless you want a gooey mess. I thought it was a brilliant way to make hardboiled eggs until it exploded in my face. Ngwek ngwek ngwek. Greatness is seldom achieved through shortcuts.

Chevy has been very helpful in my culinary education too. He helps around and cooks on my nights off. More importantly, he knows how to compliment the chef and how to finish everything off the serving plate to avoid the chef turning into a female Gordon Ramsay. A little something he learned over time.

Most of what I’ve cooked are downloaded recipes or recipes I’ve learned from other people or my friends at the Food Network. Some of my copycat creations are so-so while some are good enough for seconds. And I want to share what I’ve tried so far with those people who have shared so much cooking tips with me in the past and in my own little way I want to inspire those people who think they are all thumbs in the kitchen. If I can do it, so can you. Say it with me. Yes we can….cook.

I will be putting up recipes of The Edible Ones in my Rookie Wife Recipes page in Multiply. If you don’t see any updates it means I haven’t tried anything new or worse, my experiment has gone terribly wrong. Or I have no time balancing my roles as housewife and gamer-for-life. Most likely it will be the latter.

The Rookie Wife Recipes. Do try this at home but have the delivery number ready just in case ;-)

Buon appetito and Happy Cooking!