Dec 22, 2008

Let It Snow

Snowstorm last weekend. The people at the weather channel made it sound so dreadful. Storm will hit around 3pm Friday and it will snow nonstop until Sunday and we're all going to be buried alive. Of course they didn't say that but that was the message that I got.

We prepared for the storm. Bought tons of food and water and flashlights like what we do in the Philippines when there's a storm. Also because half of New Hampshire has no power after being hit by an ice storm (the trees grew icicles) and we were afraid it might happen here. We bought a ton of meat and then I realized that if the power goes out the meat will go bad. Then again we can always put it in the snow right. So we still stocked up on that.

And we waited and waited. Some people didn't want it to arrive. I on the other hand was soooo excited because it was going to be my first snow storm. My first snowfall actually since the snow I saw in NYC was just flurries (but I was so psyched about that too and nearly cried but of course I tried to look cool and not get emotional in front of them savvy city folks).

Friday saw me constantly checking for snow outside my window.

And when it finally started snowing I was out the door in multiple layers of clothing catching snowflakes with my tongue. So beautiful.

prancing around in the snow

my name in snow

that's me making snowangels

chevy with our snowman/ snowhead

everything's white

I love it. Even though it feels like a thousand pins when you're trying to thaw yourself in front of the heater. I love it more than wind chill and rain :)

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