This autumn purple may be the new black but black is the new president.
I am so ecstatic that Obama got elected and I am glad to have witnessed this historic election night. Got goosebumps watching his speech last night and reading about people's reactions in the paper this morning (or rather my trainmate's LA Times). Some of the most memorable quotes I read over his shoulder:
"We voted today not to practice our civic duty but because for once we feel that it would count, that we could be heard."
"I am glad our children have a black role model to look up to...someone other than a rapper or a sports personality..."
I can't help but feel proud of the Americans for this milestone in their political history. I hope that Obama can make the changes that this country needs. I hope that he really is the man they can believe in. And I hope he's not the man Nostradamus prophesized about (as the man who rises from the turmoil to bring hope and eventually destroy mankind).
We all know that he will be the most powerful man in the world. Some have even called him President of the World. And I hope that with his great power and great responsibility (shout out to Uncle Ben) he will bring about good changes.
Everybody's on a high today. the air is charged with excitement. The world feels different. It feels better. And I find myself hoping that Obama will make it better.