From August 3 to 27 I was vacationing in California, USA. I’ve always wanted to go to the States and I was lucky enough to have been given a visa. It was my first time but I know I’ll go back before my visa expires. I believe in traveling while still young and worrying about your savings later. Haha. That may seem wrong to most people but there’s so much of the world to see!! And I think we should all see them now while we still have a strong pair of legs and full control of our bladders.
It was a great vacation. Relaxing, shopping, dining, sightseeing, babysitting and catching up with friends and relatives…unlike other vacations where you catch trains and planes, lug around heavy luggage, take audio tours and get lost in translation. But like other vacations, this made a heavy dent on my life savings. But it’s a dent well spent. This vacation was, as Mastercard tells us, priceless.
Here are the highlights of my trip:
A Bay Bay in L.A.
Artesia/ Cerritos: Ate Karen, Moin, Ate Weng, Che, Josh and the newest bundle of joy Baby Armaan.
My homebase was Ate Karen’s apartment in Cerritos. I spent free time babysitting Armaan with Ate Weng, playing Monopoly and Game of Life with Josh, swimming with Josh (and playing Joshua Airlines where I was the plane and he was the pilot), watching Pinoy horror flicks and late night snacking with Ate Karen and Moin. I also spent a great deal of my time in malls within the vicinity like Cerritos Mall, Town Center, and of course trying out the local restaurants (I especially loved Olive Garden for their salads, Soup Plantation, and the Golden Spoon yogurt). For the shops I loved Ross (hahaha for cheap reasons), Forever 21, Old Navy, Urban Outfitters, Macy’s, Claire’s, and our favorite H&M. But I also loved looking for good buys at Walmart, Target and Walgreens. We also went to two of the nicest malls: The Grove and The Block in Orange County where we ate at the famous Farmer’s Market (where Hollywood stars dine and do a bit of veggie shopping). Armaan and Josh went everywhere with us. Armaan gets really excited when he’s getting strapped in his carseat cause he know’s he’s going out!!! And Josh was just so willing to show me around (with trivia pa). They’re both soooo adorable.

The Hills and Thrills of San Francisco
Milpitas/ San Francisco: Ate Karen, Armaan, Miranda and Capili Families
Flew to San Francisco via Jet Blue Airways (Long Beach-Oakland) with Ate Karen and baby Armaan (his first plane ride). When we got there, we stayed at the Miranda house in Milpitas where I met the adorable dogs Buster, Milo and Rosco. We were there from Saturday-Wednesday. We toured Sta. Ana row and San Jose Area where we grabbed the famous Counter burgers, also went around the bay area and quaint little towns there about. Did all the touristy spots in San Francisco –Golden Gate, Union Square, Lombard Street, Little Italy (where we had the best gelato), and chilled out at home...bonded with cousins over wine&cheese, strawberries&cream, and Wii marathon til the wee hours. It was so fun seeing cousins Tin, Frances and Tommy again. We got to talk about family chismis the whole time J hahaha. Also met Tin’s fiancĂ© Johnny Judo and Frances’s boyfriend Mark. Pretty fly boys J

Getting down(town) with Anne and Meme
Downtown LA and Hollywood: Meme, Anne, Cecile and JD aka Bombom
Stayed in Meme’s fabulous apartment. Anne’s trip from New York was such a hassle. They transferred planes last minute and their luggages were left in NY and delivered the next day. Mental note; Avoid taking Northwest Airlines. So we just went grocery shopping and cooked artichoke dip and munched on cornchips while playing Taboo. We also relived our Dapitan days while playing pool at their rooftop gamehall and just lounged around and chilled out. Stress days included: walking around Las Vegas strip in the heat of the sun, driving around in our rented not-fully-insured Hertz Mazda 6 and freaking out on the freeway. We also dropped by Hollywood where we were not that impressed with the Chinese Theater and Walk of Fame and the teeny Hollywood sign. But we were impressed with the Spongebob mascot who actually spoke like Spongebob. I haven’t seen these girls in a long time. It was so much fun hanging out with them. We haven’t changed much over the years. We’re still the crazy funny people we used to be. But a lil older and with a lil more money (and we talked about our tipid days back in college). But still crazy. Oh and Meme’s better at billiards now and Anne loses to Bombom in table tennis. And they’re both working on their triceps and talking gym talk.

To be continued…